Tag: Review

Abide Bible + Free Study on the Book of John {Review}

The Abide Bible I’m pleased to be using as an aid in studying God’s word as of most recently.

It was presented nicely in a sturdy cardboard outer box which keeps it free from any damage when shipped. The Bible itself is well-made. It features a soft and flexible imitation leather cover, Smyth-sewn binding which lays flat in your hand or on your desk, and two ribbon bookmarks free from fraying to keep your place.

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Vindication Season 2 – My Thoughts on Episode 10 and 6 Month Giveaway to Pureflix!

Vindication which can be found on Pure Flix is a show my family has enjoyed immensely the last few months. Be sure to check out my other post about it here. That said, we just finished up the second season and are looking forward to a third!

I will be sharing my thoughts on the tenth and final episode in this season so this is my spoiler warning not to read any further if you don’t want anything found out before you get through the series yourself if you plan to watch.

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VINDICATION, a crime drama series from Pure Flix #VindicationMIN

Summer is coming to an end and that means more time inside as the sun sets sooner and routines change. That said, my family tends to watch films and shows together on certain nights during the Fall and Winter on certain days of the week as a way to wind down and open into dicussion together about what we see.

Recently I got the oppurtunity to check out the show Vindication which can be found on Pure Flix. This show is a crime drama series that can be safely enjoyed with teens to adults. It omits things in detail you’d likely see in not christian themed shown of this nature. Where crimes and criminal actions are not watered down at all, you won’t find language, sex, nudity, blood/gore, and so forth shown or heard and for that I’m grateful.

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