The Ultimate Homeschool Planner {Schoolhouse Crew Review}

Life has the tendency to change up on you when you’ve made other plans. I know this quite well because recently I unexpectedly became pregnant with out third child. We weren’t exactly planning for another baby and in fact made the decision that we were done for numerous reasons. This decision was decided upon this year and I in turn purged the house of all baby things. You can imagine our surprise. Our home-school year for my two children ages 7 and 4 was planned out and sorta set in stone and the schedule was running smoothly. Well, all that changed as I’ve been fatigued, sick, and nauseated for a few weeks and have had to be creative in straying away from intended lesson plans, field trips, and intended goal completion dates. God’s plan for our life and our homeschooling has been something completely different so we are rolling with it.