Tag: Knitting

The Wonder Years Cardigan

A little over a month ago if memory serves me right, I started on cardigan for my youngest. I made it large so she could not just wear it this year but next too. I’m not buying yarn this year (saving for a home), so I used what was in my stash and had just enough to make this one! I was literally down to 3/4 of the purple when I cast off and quite frankly that’s a little closer to running out than I typically like in a bigger project.

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The Knitter’s Dictionary: Knitting Know-How From A To Z

You could just start knitting with nothing but a pair of needles, yarn and a pattern in front of you.  But chances are that you may run into sizing issues ( you must gauge!), an abbreviation you aren’t sure of, or a technique  you don’t know.  The yarn may not have enough stretch or it may have too much and this my friend, is is where having a guide can come in handy.

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December 2017 Gift Knitting

December is always a busy month and with that usually comes lots of knitting!  I tend to prefer to give useful handmade gifts like wearables or helpful household items when and if I can. We don’t often have much money to spare when it comes to store-bought gifts and gift cards and have always found handmade a bit more doable with a smaller dollar amount but a larger sacrifice of time.  Continue reading

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