Tag: Homeschool

The Ultimate Homeschool Planner {Schoolhouse Crew Review}

Life has the tendency to change up on you when you’ve made other plans. I know this quite well because recently I unexpectedly became pregnant with out third child. We weren’t exactly planning for another baby and in fact made the decision that we were done for numerous reasons. This decision was decided upon this year and I in turn purged the house of all baby things. You can imagine our surprise. Our home-school year for my two children ages 7 and 4 was planned out and sorta set in stone and the schedule was running smoothly. Well, all that changed as I’ve been fatigued, sick, and nauseated for a few weeks and have had to be creative in straying away from intended lesson plans, field trips, and intended goal completion dates.  God’s plan for our life and our homeschooling has been something completely different so we are rolling with it.
I knew right away with upcoming holidays, doctor appointments, and days of just feeling plain icky that some things needed to give and I needed to figure out what to focus on for each child as main goals. So in an attempt to re-plan, re-prioritize, and re-think our entire school year till and long after our third little bundle of joy arrives, the The Ultimate Homeschool Planner – Blue Cover by Apologia Educational Ministries  couldn’t have come at a better time to review through the Schoolhouse Crew review team.

Reading Kingdom Online {Schoolhouse Crew Review}

Reading Kingdom Review
My son is 4 years old and has shown reading readiness. I’ve been borrowing lots of different early readers to read to him during the Summer season to gear him up for schooling the Fall. I figured reading to him more often would certainly help with his site word recognition. Going into this journey of building a life long love for reading I knew that not every child learns in the same way. What worked for his sister didn’t seem to be clicking as well with him. I thought I may just take a break and try that method again later, try a completely different approach to it, or put it off till he showed even more readiness. I’ll admit that trying something completely different is daunting. It’d be nice to fall back on what worked for me or with his sister but I know that’s not how it always goes. Every child learns more freely and willingly in their own way and in their own time.

In being a member of the the Schoolhouse Crew Review Team, I was introduced to Reading Kingdom . I was offered a yearly membership to Reading Kingdom Online  to use for both my four year old son and seven year old daughter. This learning program takes a completely different approach so it certainly perked my interest. Both my kids take well to learning games and educational material on-line so I figured I would give this a try. Continue reading

Science Unit Studies For Homeschoolers and Teachers {Schoolhouse Crew Review}

Science is something that I feel is important to include in our home-school studies. Children need to understand the how and why things work and  form their own conclusions in solving problems.  Science causes one to observe, form a hypothesis, experiment, and interpret what’s going on. It’s the basic foundation of how we learn about everything!

Up to this point, my children have been learning about the world around them by doing a science project every few weeks and watching like themed  videos. I’ve been creating units myself for the kids. My initial goal for the upcoming school year has been to increase these studies. Cementing certain scientific concepts in memorable fun way has always been the goal. However, I’ve been finding myself spending far more time than I imagined getting everything together and have found myself running out of steam!  As it so happened, through the Schoolhouse Crew Review team, I was given the opportunity to share our experience with Funtastic Unit Studies book Science Unit Studies For Homeschoolers and TeachersIt honestly couldn’t have come at a better time!

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