Tag: Gift

The Gift That I Can Give for Little Ones {Review}


The Gift That I Can Give for Little Ones by Kathie Lee Gifford illustrated by Julia Seal is such a sweet book. The main take away is that God created us all to do great and wonderful things no matter how old we are!

In this story, children are reminded that even though they are small, they can make a great big difference! I like how the story is written in a way where the main character is pondering just what her talents and gifts are and how they can be used to help others throughout.  Continue reading

Finished Friday: Diagonal Comfort Blanket


This is my second knit  Diagonal Comfort Blanket. The first I knit in an aqua/teal  for my soon to be born baby girl. This blanket with the stripe color changes I made for a friend whom is due in late June. I am pretty tickled on how well the blanket came out. Finished the blanket is about 30×30. It took me about two months off an on of knitting.  You can find the free pattern on Ravelry here: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/diagonal-comfort-blanket


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