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Basic Loom Knitted Cloth

This tutorial/pattern requires basic know how on the long loom but if you are a beginner, I’ve included links that were helpful to me of the techniques mentioned below from other knitters on Youtube.

Supplies Needed

  • Knifty Knitter 10” Long Loom which can be found in the Knifty Knitter Long Loom Set though you can also purchase it separately.
  • 3 oz worsted weight cotton yarn, such as Lily’s Sugar and Cream, Peaches & Cream or Lion Brand Cotton, wound into 2 balls.
  • Hook tool
  • Plastic Needle


Using two strands of yarn held together, cast on filling every peg except the two on each edge. (I did an e-wrap cast on).Here’s a video to show you how to cast on like this CLICK HERE.

Knit 20 rows wrapping back and forth across pegs on the top and bottom of the loom to knit a double thickness panel. This method is also known as double knitting on the long looms. (Click here to see how to do Figure Eight Wrap knit on a Loom)

Cast off and weave in tails. (Here’s a helpful video showing how.) One cloth takes me half an hour to an hour to complete without any interruption. The cloth measures at 7×7 completed but since it’s cotton note that it’ll shrink about an inch. 

Enjoy for yourself or gift your cloths to someone you know! These eco friendly wash cloths make great use in the bathroom and the kitchen!

Creative Commons License
Basic Loom Knitted Cloth by Erin Lowmaster is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at connected2christ.com.

Loom Knit Spring Flower Headband {Tutorial}

This head band requires the knowledge of how to do a garter stitch on a loom (knit & purl) as well as a chain cast on, and how to bind off flat panel style.  There are some really helpful videos on how to do this on You Tube if you don’t know how. And if you still need a little help, I plan on posting how to do these basic loom knitting must knows on my blog soon!

Supplies Needed…

  • Knifty Knitter Blue Loom
  • Tapestry Needle
  • Pick Tool
  • Stitch Holder
  • Yarn of choice ( I am using Red Heart Classic)

Decide on the size you want to make…

15in  for 6 months – 1 year,
17in is good for 2T
18in for 3T

For other sizes, measure the circumference of the head and knit a band in that length.

The Process

Step 1. Chain cast on 6 pegs.

Step 2. Row 1. Skip the first peg and knit 5. (always drop the first stitch of every row.)

Step 3. Skip first peg and purl 5. Make sure you always bring the working thread to the middle of the starting peg and the next peg or you won’t have a nice matching edge on each side.

Step 4. Continue the process of Knit and Purl till desired length.  Make sure to always purl from the left to right and knit from the right to the left.

Step 5. Once desired length is reached, you’ll want to remove your stitches and carefully put them on a stitch holder.

Step 6. Turn the panel inside out/reverse it  and put back on the loom. So the side you wear out on your head is now facing inside the loom.

Step 7. Now that you have your headband back on the loom, bring up the first stitches like you would if you were making a brim of a hat.

Step 8. Knit the bottom loops over the top on each peg.

Step 9. Now it’s time to bind off just like you would do for a flat panel.

Step 10. Your headband is now finished! You can make it a little more fancy by adding a flower over the seam  like I did but it’s not required.


First Project with my Singer Sewing Machine!

I recently just took a stab at my very first sewing project on my brand new singer sewing machine.  I’ve been wanting to create some memorable keepsake gifts as well as some cute clothes for my children.

This week I put together a easy grab ball for my baby boy! I got the kit for the ball at the Etsy shop Little1Fun. It really wasn’t all to hard to make just a bit time consuming since I have two distractions (a.k.a My children). The kit basically included the pre-cut pieces of fabric and the pattern.  I had to use my own thread, needle, polyfil, and sewing machine.

Now since I have the pattern, I’d love to make another one or two. I’ve been keeping to an outer space theme for my son so I would love to put together a little rocket ship ball. I’m really looking forward to a fabric store run soon!

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