Category: This and That

Exciting Sights: The Minthorn Collection of Chinese Art

There is a wealth of culture and knowledge to discover in most communities if you know where to search. I am excited to share information and our experience on an incredible collection located within a local college that is open for everyone to enjoy for free.

The Minthorn International Art Gallery and the Minthorn Collection of Chinese Art are a remarkable offering from Dr. and Mrs. Minthorn to the Lower Columbia College Foundation and the community it serves, offering a profound opportunity for artistic engagement, cultural enrichment, and deep-rooted heritage of China.

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Exquisite Events: Community Festival of Nativities 

This season of celebrating our Saviour has been particularly special. My son, a dear friend, and I recently had the wonderful experience of attending the 11th annual Community Festival of Nativities in Longview, Washington. The festival was filled with an incredible array of nativity displays, each one artistically crafted and telling the story of the birth of Christ. The atmosphere was vibrant, with families and friends coming together to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

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