Category: Knitting

Falling Leaves C2C Hat & Scarf Set

My Mom inspired me last week to create this beautiful C2C Hat and Scarf Set. This is the second hat, I’ve ever crocheted followed by a Sweet Deer-themed one I made one of my daughter’s for Halloween this year. I’m pleased with how it came out.

The yarn I used was on clearance at Michaels Arts and Crafts and it is called Impeccable “Falling Leaves”. It took a little less than 3 skeins to make both the scarf and the hat.

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Loom Knit Upcycled Mesh Produce Bag Scrubby Pattern

I consider myself a frugal person. I try to reduce waste and reuse things as much as possible. That said, I decided to combine my love of knitting and the mesh produce bags we often get from the local food bank to create a helpful household cleaning aid. In using this mesh, I am saving money by not spending extra money on specialty scrubby yarns in using what I already have.

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