Category: Exquisite Events

Exquisite Events: Community Festival of Nativities 

This season of celebrating our Saviour has been particularly special. My son, a dear friend, and I recently had the wonderful experience of attending the 11th annual Community Festival of Nativities in Longview, Washington. The festival was filled with an incredible array of nativity displays, each one artistically crafted and telling the story of the birth of Christ. The atmosphere was vibrant, with families and friends coming together to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

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Exquisite Events: Rainier Revisited

This year, my children, friends, and I had a wonderful time at Rainier Revisited, a charming local reenactment that brings our town’s history in the 1850’s to life.

This reenactment, located at the Beaver Homes Grange, was put on April 20th, 2024, by the Rainier Junior/Senior High School History Club and has been an ongoing event for many years now, this being their 12th.

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