Discover the captivating world of planet Earth with the Indescribable Atlas Adventures by Louie Giglio. This engaging guidebook takes kids on an exciting geographical journey, showcasing over 50 countries from 7 continents in a vibrant and informative infographic map style. With eye-catching illustrations and easy-to-navigate pages, young readers will explore each country’s population, capital, neighboring countries, and languages, along with fun facts about national symbols and notable individuals.
Dachshund Through The Snow by Michelle Medlock Adams and Ana Sebastian is an adorable children’s book that’s great for reading together with a child or multiple children during the Christmas season.
ROAR LIKE A LION written by Levi Lusko & illustrated by Catherine Pearson is a great devotional for children that will challenge them to be bold and courageous like a lion and to seek God’s will all their heart, soul, and mind!
This book features 90 devotionals. It is presented in a way that you can start the book at any time since it is not predated. We all know life can happen sometimes so if you skip a day, there’s no need to catch up but to start where you last finished off.
Welcome to my blog! I'm Erin, and I'm delighted to meet you!
Here I blog about all my incredible adventures doing many activities such as local events, amazing sights, plant care, gardening, cooking and baking, crafting, homesteading, the great outdoors, and home education. I am a prolific writer who is quite verbose.
I am always open to being hired for commissions, and put my all into giving a complete honest review of anything presented, be it locations or items.
I live at home with my three lovely children, Lydia, Owen and Melody. Each one is amazing and all enjoy many different hobbies, such as crafting, origami, and video editing.
Make sure to check out River Haven Arts , my Etsy shop for a unique selection of creative handmade items.