LTD Chix Review
Have you heard about LTD Chix apparel? Their apparel meets us moms exactly where we are! They capture us in our finest or as some would think are not so finest moments. You know those moments were we think we feel what we look like (sometimes we do) and we are driven to the point of chaotic meltdown! They capture us in those moments that make us exactly what we are, Moms!
I was able to review the Laundry mom shirt which features a mom with a massive basket of laundry. Growing up, laundry was one of my least favorite tasks and it still is. I have a firm hold on the laundry most days and those are usually on the days when my child is happy. My daughter has some real mood swings some days (…but what kid doesn’t?) and then it’s hard to get anything done! Right now, I have a husband and one child so it’s not too hard but I know there’s going to be a day when I will battle heaps of laundry and my sanity, especially when more kids get added to my family. To keep sane I need the humor like most of the rest of you moms out there.
My favorite shirt would have to be the Multi-tasking mom but I really do love them all! These shirts I can wear proudly because I’m a mom. I love the humor in these shirts because as moms we don’t get much of a break sometimes, and we could all use a good laugh!
LTD Chix offers many tees in lots of different styles and colors from short to long sleeve to red to blue. Each of their t-shirts has a picture of a mom in a funny but ever so true situation followed by the caption” Living the Dream”.
Which mom design do you think you most relate too? We’ll be giving away a Laundry Mom t-shirt in the next few days so don’t forget to enter for one of your very own!