Exquisite Events: Community Festival of Nativities
This season of celebrating our Saviour has been particularly special. My son, a dear friend, and I recently had the wonderful experience of attending the 11th annual Community Festival of Nativities in Longview, Washington. The festival was filled with an incredible array of nativity displays, each one artistically crafted and telling the story of the birth of Christ. The atmosphere was vibrant, with families and friends coming together to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
As we walked through the various exhibits, we were captivated by the creativity and effort put into each nativity scene. From delicate porcelain figures to stunning hand-carved wooden displays, it was a beautiful representation of faith and love that brought everyone into the holiday spirit.
Apart from viewing the nativities, beautiful music is performed by choirs, featuring both singing and instrumental pieces throughout the event. A special room was set up for children to play and dress up in outfits from the time of Christ. As participants exited, they received freshly baked cookies. To add to the fun, there was also an engaging scavenger hunt throughout the venue.
Sharing these moments with my son and friend made it even more memorable, as we created lasting memories that will forever be intertwined with our holiday traditions. I look forward to attending more celebrations like this in the coming years, as they remind us of the joy and hope that Christmas brings to our lives.
To celebrate, with our community, the birth of Jesus Christ; that He is the Son of God.
Fri, December 6th 5-9pm
Sat & Sun December 7th & 8th 3-9pm
Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
900 11th Ave Longview, WA