Pure Flix Original Movie: An Unlikely Angel arriving August 26th!
Life sometimes can feel like a whirlwind where we are pulled this way and that. We are taught to be productive and successful and always to be on our game. In trying to mimic the world’s way of success and believing its lie we can begin to lose sight of what matters most.
Not stopping to take time to “Stop and Smell the Roses” can potentially lead us to losing out on connecting with family and friends, building deep relationships, appreciating the small things, having a fulfilling walk with God, and being intentional in our daily lives.
Along the lines mentioned above, I was given the opportunity to see the film “An Unlikely Angel” which is premiering on Pure Flix on August 25th, 2022. In this film, we meet Janie, a first-time mother and a workaholic who is having trouble maintaining balance in her life. She begins to fall apart after she finds out she is with child. From this point, she whispers a prayer for help unknowing exactly how God intended on answering it.
This film pulls at the heartstrings and gives a look at what a second chance could look like. I appreciate that the storyline covered how things in life changed over a matter of many years for the characters. For example, a daughter that has not known her mother has grown up, a job had no longer been acquired, relational road bumps between spouses, and so forth. I felt like the story was told well and the actors did an excellent job in portraying their characters.
I caught myself swept up in the tender sweet moments, the amusing, and the more serious ones.
I feel the top takeaways from the film is to pray without ceasing, seek, and fully trust God for whatever the future may be in choosing the better part of life.
Overall, I enjoyed this film and the message it portrays in seeking the sacred found in simple.
The runtime is 1 hour and 22 minutes.
Interested in watching? You can find An Unlikely Angel on Pure Flix to stream starting August 26th!
Pure Flix Article (ways to simplify life): ACTIVITIES & WAYS TO SIMPLIFY LIFE
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails – Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)
Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opin-
ions are 100% my own.