Abide Bible + Free Study on the Book of John {Review}
The Abide Bible I’m pleased to be using as an aid in studying God’s word as of most recently.
It was presented nicely in a sturdy cardboard outer box which keeps it free from any damage when shipped. The Bible itself is well-made. It features a soft and flexible imitation leather cover, Smyth-sewn binding which lays flat in your hand or on your desk, and two ribbon bookmarks free from fraying to keep your place.
The text within is between small and large being a 9-point NKJV Comfort Print. It features line-matched, single-column Scripture text for improved readability. The pages do well not to be seen through i.e ghosting. There isn’t a lot of space on every page to journal or take notes on every page. That said, it will hold well to highlighting and underlining without bleedthrough considering you are using tools to do so.
Key features for deeper engagement through scripture include the following;
- Contemplate (A way to slowly consider what is read for specific scriptures, meditate on it, and pray over it, )
- Journaling (Encouragement to examine a theme or prompt from certain scriptures)
- Picture It ( An imaginative prompt to place yourself in a biblical narrative as a bystander or participant in important events.)
- Praying Scripture ( Guided prayer exercises)
- Engage Through Art (Well-known works of art (photographs, paintings, and sculptures) to aid in the devotion of spiritual truths)
I appreciate all the tools within this Bible to deepen one’s understanding of God’s word. It in a way can free you from having a separate devotional on hand. If you have been wanting to read the Bible in a year, there’s a plan for that within.
Information is included at the front and back of the Bible like how to use it, about the translation, explantory notes, why you should read the Bible, steps to engage, scripture vs. Bible study, full color maps, and more.
I like this Bible and the way it helps breaks down scripture in engauging ways. I am a fan of how each book of the Bible has an introduction which includes historical and literary context, and how to prepare in reading forth through that book.
This isn’t like most study Bibles which have scripture refrences at the end of the verses but it is great for reading. The many tools/prompts provide a study in itself.
Overall, it is a lovely well put together Bible that has been a joy to use . I feel it would also make a good choice for gifting to just about any one. The engaugement through the form of contemplation has hands down won me over.
I don’t hesitate at all in recommending the Abide Bible for a deeper understanding of who God is and in helping one grow in their spiritual journey.

Right now the publisher, Thomas Nelson, is doing a 21-day contemplative video series through the book of John led by the author/editor, Phil Collins ( which I encourage everyone to take advanatage of! Yuo can sign up for it HERE.
-Bible Trailer-
ABOUT THE NET VERSION As a resource for the translation, you can access the NET information HERE. Of interest too, may be the endorsements for the translation found HERE, including Beth Moore, Tony Evans, Chuck Swindoll, and more (under Christian Leaders)
Enter for a chance to win your very own Abide Bible (NET) Bible.
Open to US Residents 18 years or older.
The winner will be selected on 7/25/2022.
Required Federal Trade Commission disclaimer: I was provided a complimentary copy of this Bible by the Frontgate Media blogger review program in exchange for an honest review.