The Start of Spring 2022

As I write this we’ve entered what will be the hottest day ( predicting 77+) of the year thus far only to be followed by a twenty-degree drop this weekend. We don’t know what the rest of the Spring or Summer season will bring but we praying that the drought won’t get worse and that the fires stay at bay.

The above photo is of Red-flowering currants. These are deciduous shrubs that produce cascading red flowers in the spring here in Oregon. The plant attracts hummingbirds and grows up to six feet tall in rocky soil and sunny locations. My oldest daughter and I nearing the end of a hike noticed these and saw a few hummingbirds enjoying them. The hummingbirds were too fast to be photoed!

I’ve included some photos of the blooms I’ve seen in the last week. I’m not sure how they’ll hold up with the nosedive in the weather temperature but we’ve enjoyed them tremendously while they’ve been here. I also spotted snails in the woods and just a few mushrooms. The mushrooms are sparse and most I see have been very dried out due to the lack of enough rain and temperature change.

Last week we got a few crops going in our garden but that is another post. How is Spring going in your neck of the woods?

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