Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan {Review + Free Book!}

Before picking up a copy of I never knew the story of how Gospel for Asia came to be into existence. I read this book in a few days time and was deeply moved by the message, ministry, and lengths traveled to share the love and care of Jesus Christ with others.

This book is written in a narrative form by the author speaking of his days before the ministry and during. He talks of his life in a remote Indian Village, his mothers prayers, and his calling to reach those whom had never heard of Christ before. though not always easy absolutely 100% God-breathed. His stories held my interest some easier to stomach than others. I felt my eyes opened through the statistics of how the lifestyle and day-to-day truly are in other places compared to the western culture where I reside.

I’m amazed that currently Gospel for Asia has more than 16,000 national missionaries in the heart of the 10/40 window, operates 54 Bible colleges with more than 9,000 students, and heads up a church planting movement that pioneers an average of 10 new fellowships every day. What an inspiration to spur forth fellow believers toward our true ultimate calling which is to share to support those who are sharing and to share ourselves the Gospel.

If you are interested in reading this amazing story and testimony (or supporting the ministry), you can click through & receive a free copy for yourself. I encourage you to share this book with your family, friends, and church and prepare to be moved by the Spirit of God.

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