All For Jesus Bible Study {Free Through November 30th!}
I’m excited today to let you know about an online Bible study course from AFJ Living Waters Ministry called “Discerning God’s Will” that I’ve been doing. This course normally valued at $30 is currently available for free now through November 30th for my readers.
During this time it can be harder to meet in person for a variety of reasons so I’m thankful studies like this are available. It can be used alone, along with your spouse, or even with a group of others via video chat or in-person, if comfortable and safe enough to do so.
With this course, you will be following along with video and workbook. The workbook is downloadable in a PDF format so no special program is needed to open it. If you don’t want to print it out you can look at it on your computer/phone/tablet or other device and respond to the question in a separate notebook like I’m doing.
The display and setup aren’t busy and it’s user-friendly. You can see what you have completed even after you have logged back out and back in again.
Overall, I feel this course is done very well. I feel anyone seeking to find God’s will in their lives will benefit much from the study in knowing how to seek and pray over this as well as recognize the areas where God is already moving.
I highly recommend you check this study out and be sure to share it with your friends also. Once downloaded, it’s yours forever!
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