First Time Making Home Canned Tomatoes!

It was a busy weekend as the garden keeps on producing more and more tomatoes. I froze a lot last week but was starting to run out of freezer space. I thought on the food that was lost in a week long power outage back in February and decided it was best to store food in a way that it wouldn’t be thrown out if something like that happened again.

I followed the recipe for Tomato Juice from the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving that was gifted to me by a friend a few years ago and it came out well! My husband helped me out and thus we produced eighteen 32 ounce jars of tomato juice.

Many of the canning supplies were purchased with a nice percent off coupon code my friend passed along to me when she hosted a canning party at her home. I am thankful as it has been a gift that has kept on giving.

I used my Instant Pot to process the tomatoes and my kitchen aid heavy duty blender to get the tomatoes to the consistency we like. I don’t peel or seed my tomatoes beforehand.

While waiting on the tomatoes to cook and the jars to heat my family and I started watching Season 2 of Vindication on Pureflix! It’s starting out just as good as the first season. If you can, check it out!

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