Autumn Walk in the Great Big Woods

Autumn is here! I checked the forecast and next week we are getting mild temperatures in the upper 50’s and lower 60’s. There will be both cloudy and rainy days. This is my favorite season as it’s not too hot or dry! The early mornings and evenings are perfect for warm drinks and cozy blankets!

Last weekend we took a trip to a forest my husband, youngest and I had been to but not my two oldest. Needless to say they adored their visit and are asking when we can go back again. It truly was a nice change of scenery and we had a fun time discovering and exploring.

We spied many Douglas squirrels cheeping and alarming as we walked by. They were busy gathering and munching on pinecones. Other wildlife we saw included deer, garter snakes, bananas slugs, grasshoppers, dragonflies ( one landed on my husband’s hat!), spiders, wooly bear caterpillars, and many more insects!

The snakes ( we saw at least 4!) didn’t mind us walking by and quickly slivered back off the main trails and into the woods. We are glad they weren’t aggressive nor carried poison.

We spied a pretty neat mushroom called an Earth Star. This mushroom is so pretty and reminded me of baked goods. I looked it up and discovered though not unsafe to eat, you wouldn’t want to because it’s very bitter!

Many hours in the woods and tired aching legs and feet called it a day. We love nature studies and the changing seasons mean new things to look for.

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