2020 Pumpkin Carving and Painting

It wouldn’t quite be October without our annual pumpkin carving and decorating happening! After some serious contemplation the designs were picked out and we as a family got right to work.

While the kids picked out the designs (ittle dew Frog and Krobus from Stardew Valley which are both different video game characters) we haven’t quite let them carve their own pumpkins but the plan is to let them next year. They had some pretty icky and squishy fun cleaning our the gourds and saving the seeds for me to cook up in the oven as snacks!

Lydia wanted to paint her pumpkin and what a beautiful job she did. I love how she used all the colors and let some of the natural orange peak through her design!

Did you carve pumpkins this year? If so, let me know what design you went with whether traditional or not!
Awesome ??? What fun! ??