Local Food Pantry Haul

My family goes to the local food pantry a couple of times a month. One day we plan on paying it all back when we can. I’ve not hidden this fact about my life or tried to keep it secret. I do intend to be a bit more transparent over here on my blog, this is real life folks and sometimes it isn’t easy.

In future post, I’ll post recipes for those with tight/limited budgets and what meals you can make with the typical ingredients that are given out at food pantries. Having a deep freezer really helps manage a lot of the items like bread that can’t get eaten right away. Our apartment refrigerator is pretty small so the small deep freeze was well worth the investment.

I’m grateful and very thankful for food banks and pantries that are giving a help hand, especially during Covid-19. Many thanks to all that have given their time and have donated goods. We are grateful.

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