BibleForce Devotional {Book Review} #BibleForce

The BibleForce Devotional is very well done! It features 100 Old and New Testament Bible stories based on Bible Heroes both men and women found in the Word. I like so many well known and those perhaps not well-known individuals are included.

The devotional is illustrated in a graphic novel/comic book style that is very appealing to kids, especially those that are visual learners like a few of my own children. The colors are bright and vibrant and the glossy style of pages seems to make the stories pop out at you in a captivating way.

Each of the devotionals features fun facts about the Hero or Bible story, Hero training which is Bible verses to look up separately and questions to ponder, Be a Hero! an exercise that challenges one to act out/be a doer with the take away the devotion. What each section is and how it should work is all explained in the beginning of the book.

I like the devotions aren’t too long and that makes them great for kids ages 5 to around 10 years old in my opinion. These are easy to read and really capture the stories and Heroes well. The back of the book features a what happened when timeline as well as map of the Bible so children can get a feel for where events conspired .

The hardback cover version is very durable and I like there’s a ribbon bookmark in the binding to help keep the place till our next reading.

This devotional is great for at home or even in a Sunday School class. It’s format I feel a child wound’t be overwhelmed with and could even read on their own. I recommend it!

Interested in purchasing? You can find BibleForce Devotional on Amazon and many other retailers!

I have received this product for free or at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest and unbiased product review; all opinions are my own.*

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