The Knitter’s Dictionary: Knitting Know-How From A To Z

You could just start knitting with nothing but a pair of needles, yarn and a pattern in front of you.  But chances are that you may run into sizing issues ( you must gauge!), an abbreviation you aren’t sure of, or a technique  you don’t know.  The yarn may not have enough stretch or it may have too much and this my friend, is is where having a guide can come in handy.

The Knitter’s Dictionary: Knitting Know-How From A To Z by Kate Atherley is my current ideal choice to keep at my side (err.. in my knitting bag) for all those unsure moments when it comes to this craft. I don’t consider myself a beginner but I’m no pro either. Knowing I don’t know everything yields me to keep such a resource at hand. 

Kate does a great job is laying out information and answering all those questions mysterious and otherwise when it comes to knitting. The why of this book comes in the form of a personal story by the author herself. We get a glimpse into her knitting journey and how this guide truly came to be in explaining and deciphering the language, rules, and code of knitting. 

The chapters are as follows;

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Getting Started with Patterns
  • Chapter 3: A-Z of Knitting
  • Chapter 4: References and Further Reading

While there’s not a lot of color, there are more than 150 illustrations throughout. The illustrations demonstrate techniques, anatomy of knit items, tools of trade,  different styles of items (hats, sweaters, etc) and so forth. 

A few of my favorite things are the fiber instruction care chart, the yarn recommendations for specific projects list, fiber care symbols, hat styles ( who know there were so many types and the different names for each?),  and why exactly certain increases and decreases are not interchangeable. 

I want to start knitting more wearables in 2019 so I found the illustration and explanation on the sweaters extremely helpful. It’s like I want to knit a sweater but there’s so many different types. This guide not just explains the fit, and how it’s worked but it shows illustrations of each too.  It certainly has helped narrow my choices down. 

While this book isn’t going to take you by the hand and show you how to do every technique or stitch it is great for all the other reasons I mentioned. 

If there’s a knitter on you Christmas list this year or if it’s you. This guide book is worth getting. It comes in two different formats ( digital and hardcover). Highly recommended! 

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a free sample or a discount to purchase the product for review  purposes. The opinions are my own or my immediate family members, based on our personal experience with the product.

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