GPA Learn {School House Crew Review}

My son and daughter ages 4 and 6 years old take very well to using the computer. In knowing that, I’ve typically used computer time as something fun to do. It’s a great reward for doing well in their schooling and in their daily chores. I’ve learned however, to be selective in where and how they spend their computer time. I want them to have fun but also still be learning as they play. I’ll admit that sometimes with so many choices out there it can be hard to know which on-line curriculum and games are worth pursing for this purpose.

When the opportunity to review GPALOVEMATH by GPA LEARN through the Schoolhouse Crew Review Team came up I knew I had to apply for it. As a parent, I felt it was worth pursing. The helpful info-graphic and the fun character videos pretty much sealed my decisions. I felt my children would like it for many reasons and I was right in that assumption!

GPA_Infographic_Horizontal_Web_CCurriculum Information: GPALOVEMATH by GPA LEARN is a web-based math program for children in grades K-5. This program can be used as a supplement or as a full math curriculum during the school year. There are 150 engaging lesson per grade level that feature friendly animated character learning coaches. Parents as well as teachers are given real time information pertaining to all the lessons and the ability to oversee all upcoming lesson that are not yet completed. Children have the freedom to steadily move at their own pace of readiness as they are introduced to each new concept and skill. The program features a reward system that motivates being successful as one moves forward.

Navigation & System Requirements: There are short self-help videos in how to navigate both the child and parent LEARN, ENGAGE, and MOTIVATE areas on the site. The videos feature clearly spoken instruction as well as high quality visuals. Each video is to the point, easy to follow along with, likely to answer any question one may have, and providing well enough information that a child, parent, or educator will be navigating their own accounts in no time.

The Dashboard features a lesson summary, a progress tracker, motivate rewards, week in focus, and engage activities. I mainly use this area to make sure we are on track in meeting goals and changing those as needed. It’s nice interface and it makes things simple in staying organized. The navigation also allows one to easily manage more than one child easily.

This program can run on Windows or Apple Mac computers; Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (10”), or Kindle Fire 7” tablet. I’m currently running the program on a Windows 7 home desktop and windows 8 laptops. Google Chrome is our browser of choice so were pleased that it was the most recommended. Other browsers this runs on are Apple Safari 6 & 7, and MS IE11.

Lessons: All lessons have recommended order formats and paths which can be followed separately or completely through till all completed. If a child is ahead in one area you can adjust that certain lessons be skipped over. In doing just 4-5 lessons a week, a child can complete an entire grade in 10 months. The pacing is clearly up to what the teacher or parent feels is best.

Parents or Teachers can over see every lesson using the Test Drive Mode option. This allows one to usher a child into the lesson slowly and gives one peace of mind in knowing what’s to be expected. Every lesson has three sections. The first section introduces the skills needed to be learned and exercised for that lesson. The second section is full of practice problems (there are over 10,000 per grade) and feedback from the character guide for that grade level. Section three opens up if readiness is shown in section 2. This is the last section in every lesson and is the only area scored.

The lessons feature multiple choice answers to every question. If a child struggles with reading, it’s okay as all problems can be read if the words are clicked on. All attempts of each lesson can be viewed at any time. You’ll also receive an e-mail each time a lesson is completed. What to expect in the email is the title of the lesson, time started, time completed, how long it took in minutes and seconds, if instruction and practice was completed or skipped, and the final results of the quiz. Following those results, there’s a link to audit the lesson and have a chat with a child about that lesson if needed. This is helpful as it allows one to assist where something wasn’t grasped and sit down with a child to go through the lesson again together before moving on.

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Fullscreen capture 3122015 32309 PMReward System: The reward system is cool and exciting! Students earn points for every few lesson in which they can put toward a plethora of activities, prizes, gift cards, and so forth. Rewards are parent provided as well as commercial. It’s certainly great incentive to give reluctant learners a boost in moving forward in their studies and overall just a nice surprise to celebrate a job well done.

While building a list, you can pick and chose what reward you feel your child would most enjoy or you have the choice to use the auto-build feature. Reward categories are: Family (custom), Bed Time, Bonding Time, Chores, Cooking, Indoor Activity, Monetary, Outing, Playtime, Playdate, TV Time, and Treasure Box. Once earned and chosen, children can store these in their backpack and cash them out whenever they want. Rewards such as gift cards need approved by teacher or parent before redeemed. Examples rewards vary from staying up later at bedtime, having a special play date with a friend, picking a movie to watch during tv time, baking cupcakes, going on a special outing, and so on.

Critical Thinking Company Review
How We Used the Curriculum & Our Thoughts: 
I’ve found the program to be extremely helpful in educating my daughter in math over the last month. I plan on starting the program with my son very soon. An annual subscription opens grades k-5 for use and this is awesome if your child is ready for the next grade before the current year is up. We are currently using 1st grade and soon we’ll be jumping into the 2nd grade level before this year is up.

My first grader loves games and since the system offers engaging visuals, an interactive approach, cool characters, and a surprise reward system, she was drawn in right away. Math is her favorite subject but the approach we were using tended to bore her after awhile. Work books really aren’t her thing. This system however has done nothing but interest her into progressing forward, so much so that she’s asked to use the program not just on our school days but on our days off as well.


I’ve been letting my daughter move at her own pace and am thrilled the program allows for it. Right now, she’s been making use of this program 3-4 days a week. My daughter is at the age where she can operate the computer quite well and do her schooling on her own. I overlook the lessons she has completed and take note if she needs help with anything. This program has been wonderful when schooling more than one child. My daughter often works independently on math while I do more one on one things with her younger brother.

My daughter has learned the value of dollar so to speak when using the reward system. She knows that she can spend her points right away or save them up for a higher prize. She was beyond thrilled to cash out points on a Toys-R-Us giftcard cost covered by GPA Learn! These cards are highly prized but she’s also liked choosing things like staying up later at bedtime and picking a game to play with the family.gpalearn2

I would highly recommend this program for children whether schooling at home or otherwise. The fact that my children are learning and enjoy it makes me happy. It’s fun, engaging, exciting, and a very motivating way to learn math! It’s been a real asset to my family.

Pricing: Special Introductory Price of $129 per year per child (Use Promo Code GPAINTRO15) Regularly $149 OR $12.99 per month per child. If not satisfied there’s a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

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