Great Commission Films: IndoctriNation {Schoolhouse Crew Review}
It’s been a controversial topic for as long as I can recall whether to teach children at home or to place them into a public school system. I feel that I’ve had to constantly to defend my decisions and to give reasons why my family made the choice to keep our children out of public school. I’ve heard many questions as well as accusations that our choice to homeschool could have the potential to damage my children. Aside from not feeling like my children would receive a proper education, my main reason to do so is because Christianity has been stripped out of the classroom. I don’t feel that my children’s religious freedoms and faith in God should be removed as well as attacked.
As part of the Schoolhouse Crew Review team, I’ll be sharing a few of my own as well as my husband’s thoughts as well on Great Commission Films documentary IndoctriNation. They present a hot and very controversial subject on the decline of Christianity in America public schools. I believe every christian parent should see this film. Making ones self aware of what’s really going on is the first step to making the right choices. It’s not really equality that’s being taught if even mentioning the name of God can get a teacher fired, a valedictorians mic turned off during a graduation speech when she thanks Jesus, and so on.
My Husband’s Thoughts:
If you are unsure if you should keep/put your kids in public school or not, this is a valuable source if data to help you with making the decision.
I felt that Colin Gunn (filmmaker) and those interviewed presented their position on the matter clearly and politely. There was a pleasant lack of vitriol. When mentioning the viewpoints of people who have opinions in opposition to the filmmakers, they presented them as points of data to uphold their own positions. They never slandered or spoke poorly of anyone.
Those with a non-Christian worldview would likely be in opposition to what this film suggests we do about public schools, so this probably won’t win anyone over in that sense. The target audience of this documentary is the Christian.
I was homeschooled, and we choose to homeschool, originally in both cases because my parents, and later my wife and I, decided our children could get a better education from home than in the system. After watching IndoctriNation, I see there is a lot more going on than just raw education. It’s not really news to me, but it certainly gave foundation to a lot of concerns I personally had, and still have.
In many ways, this documentary is the red pill (The Matrix). You can take the blue pill and pay no mind to the truth, or you can watch this film and see how deep this rabbit hole of public school goes.
My Thoughts…
Firstmost, I agree with all that my husband pointed. This is a well done film. In addition to the testimonials, included is the history of education in America over the years and the Biblical order in how Christians should be training up their children according to the Bible.
I will admit that some parts of this film were hard to watch. The heartfelt cry of a father to others about losing his son in Columbine shooting, for instance. School violence, bullying, sexuality, drugs, and many skewed views are rampant throughout school systems and parents need to realize it.
We need to be the biggest influence in our children’s lives instilling Christian values and a safe environment for them to grow and be shaped as individuals. I applaud IndoctriNation for bringing the concerning truth to light. After viewing this film, I am 100% assured in the choice my family has made about schooling and protecting the core values, beliefs, and safety of our children.
IndoctriNation run time is 102 minutes. There are bonus features which include deleted scenes, words from several sponsors, and an interview with David & Kim Escoto. The language is in English as also in Spanish. Subtitles are available. Russian, Chinese and Korean versions are in the works. A single copy of the the film can be purchased for $19.95 USD. There are also options to buy in bulk as well as renting to view it online.
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I’ve been wanting to see this and I think you just gave me the push I needed to make it happen. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!