Loom Knit Bear, Mouse, or Monkey Ear {Tutorial}

This tutorial/pattern requires basic know how of chain casting on, e-wrapping, and the gather bind off. This pattern basically makes a half circle which makes the perfect Bear, Mouse, or Monkey Ear !

Supplies Needed

  • A Knifty Knitter  loom which can be found in the Knifty Knitter Round Loom Set though you can also purchase it separately. I used the red loom for this tutorial.
  • Any yarn works but I used one strand of Charisma Brown and the weight is 5.
    I’ve also done it with 2 strands of thinner yarn.
  • Knifty Knitter Hook tool
  • Crochet Hook
  • Plastic Needle or Metal Needle ( I prefer metal)


  1. Chain Cast On 10 pegs. You can use your knifty knitter or crochet hook. I find the crochet hook easier.
  2. E-wrap knit four rows onto the 10 casted pegs.
  3. Gather Bind Off. To do this, you’ll need to bring the first loop over to the second peg and knit over. Continue doing this with the remaining loops…2 over 3, 4 over 5, 6 over 7, 8 over 9, 9 over 10…
  4. Cut working yarn and leave a long enough tail to for sewing and pull that piece through the last remaining loop on the peg. This would be the 10th loop.
  5. Repeat step 1-4 and make another ear and sew the two wrong sides together! Or you can sew it differently together to get a different look.
  6. Repeat  steps 1-5 two make one more ear!
  7. Attach both to any hat you desire!
  8. Take lots of picture of your completed work!
  9. Share this Tutorial with others via Twitter, Facebook, and more!
  10. Please feel free to post picture links to your “animal eared” projects!
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