Handmade Pom Pom Ornaments

I have been happily filling my home with pom poms of all sort of sizes, patterns, and colors over the past week!

What started this crazy was a memory I had as a child of my mother’s handmade Christmas ornaments that hung from our tree every Christmas. I had been wanting to add a personal touch to my own family’s tree and voila, the craze started.

Yarn pom pom decorations are wonderful to decorate your home and tree with during the holidays as they prevent the potential risk of choking, cutting, or harming younger children.

I’d been doing my research on how to create pom-poms and found that their are several ways depending on your personal preference. I choose to purchase several size of pom pom maker tools made by Clover from my local craft provider and have been nothing but happy with my results. In fact, I can make a pom pom using the Clover makers in under five minutes compared to other methods I’ve used before that took much much longer.

There’s really no wrong yarn to use when making pom-poms. It’s all up to how you’d like them to look. If you want really fuzzy soft looking pom poms, I suggest going with a thicker heavy weight of yarn and if you’d like your pom poms thinner a lighter weight. I would say to experiment with whatever yarns you have on hand and to remember to have fun with it.

In the photo on this post you can see the process of creating a pom pom with a Clover pom pom maker. I wrapped three different color yarns of the same weight to create a fun and very festive patterned pom pom to add that special something to my Christmas tree.

You can do all sorts of things with pom poms like making wreaths, adorning gift bags & presents, making scarves, creating fun critters, making floral arrangements, topping off hats, hair clips, and so much more.  The sky is the limit! Don’t put a damper on creativity, just let your imagination take you and you’ll probably be surprised and over all thrilled with what you can come up with!

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