My Dad – Father’s Day 2009

House of Blues 2005- Dad, Tara, Fawn, and I. ROCK ON!

Being a father is more than just giving a kid a surname, its raising the kind of people the world can benefit from.

My Dad is an incredible person. He works long  hard hours, but has always found the time to spend with his daughters on his days off whether we are out visiting new places or fishing as a family at  local lakes.  I have posted three pictures of several places we have visited as a family.

Alligator Adventures in Myrtle Beach - Fawn, Me, Tara, and Dad

Dad has spoiled me as well as the rest of his daughters ( 5 in all!) He always made even the smallest events in our lives very special. Dad has always been there to give his advice in various situations in my life though at times I didnt’ take it. Dad has led a wonderful example as a father and has done a great job at raising the five of us.

A fort located at Savannah, Georgia
A fort located at Savannah, Georgia

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there! I hope you know how big of an example you are in your children’s life and know how much they appreciate and look up at all that you do.

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